14th September - 9th October 2021

Opening Tuesday 14th September 2021 at 3pm

Piero Rambaudi, Frattali, Ipotesi di casualità

Roccatre art gallery inaugurates, on the occasion of Exhibi.To 2021, an exhibition of works by Piero Rambaudi (Turin 1906-1991). These are works created in the 1980s, a period that the artist dedicated to Fractals, figures that multiply depicting hexagons, polygons, figures that bring together figures in increasingly larger situations.

The novelty lies in the mathematical and geometric logic that governs not only the choice of figures but also the relationships between the motifs of color and matter.

Pursuant to Law Decree No. 105/2021, for access to the gallery, the exhibition of Green Pass is required. Admission will also be limited and with mask.

Some of  paintings included in the exhibit

Piero Rambaudi, Frattali, Confronto di valori su un piano
Piero Rambaudi, Frattali, Differenza scientifica della natura
Piero Rambaudi, Frattali, Elementi frattali