6th - 29th November 2021

Opening Saturday 6th November 2021 at 6pm

Marco Gastini, 2005

THE ARTISTS ON EXHIBITION: Rodolfo Aricò | Vasco Bendini | Antonio Carena | Laura Castagno | Sandro De Alexandris | Daniele Galliano | Marco Gastini | Fausto Melotti | Giulio Paolini | Achille Perilli

Pursuant to Law Decree No. 105/2021, for access to the gallery, the exhibition of Green Pass is required. Admission will also be limited and with mask.

Some of  paintings included in the exhibit

Antonio Carena - Il Segno - Galleria Roccatre
Daniele Galliano - Il Segno - Galleria Roccatre
Laura Castagno - Il Segno - Galleria Roccatre