May 2 - June 7, 2024

Opening: Thursday May 2, 2024 at 6 pm

Estremi a confronto

Carla Accardi | Salvatore Astore | Laura Castagno | Italo Cremona | Carlo Follini | Lucio Fontana | Daniele Galliano | Marco Gastini | Vincenzo Irolli | Carlo Levi | Arrigo Lora Totino | Luigi Mainolfi | Piero Marussig | Fausto Melotti | Enrico Paulucci | Carol Rama | Mauro Reggiani | Mino Rosso | Piero Ruggeri | Salvo | Jules-Cesar Denis Van Loo | Luigi Veronesi

Roccatre Art Gallery in Turin is pleased to announce the opening of the exhibition Extremes in Comparison. The exhibition will present a vast selection of works by authors ranging from ancient art to the figurative art of the twentieth century, representing different artistic styles which, when compared, manage to dialogue with each other in a sort of journey through time.

Among the artists on display, you can admire Laura Castagno with Panna Montata, a work on paper from 1965, Salvo with Tramonto ad Alba, Luigi Mainolfi with Città bronzetto from 1987 and an untitled work in terracotta-bronze from 1986, Lucio Fontana with Concetto spaziale from 1960 and Luigi Veronesi with a refined card from 1934.
A significant part of the exhibition space will also be dedicated to the depiction of women, offering a unique perspective on the evolution of female representation in art; from the curious double Nude by Italo Cremona in 1958, to the powerful and material one by Carlo Levi in ​​1949, to the elegant Girls in the Studio by Enrico Paulucci in 1947 ("There are painters who continue their discourse on happiness all their lives" Italo Calvino) , an extraordinary figure of a woman by Salvatore Astore from 2001 who dialogues with a very elegant figure by Irolli, a delicate bronze by Mino Rosso from 1930 depicting a motherhood. Precious and refined choices that make the exhibition itinerary unique.
The exhibition represents an unmissable opportunity for art lovers to immerse themselves in a time journey that spans centuries of artistic history.

Press Release

Some of  paintings included in the exhibit

Estremi a confronto
Estremi a confronto
Estremi a confronto